
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This Summer

I am still contemplating why I even write in this thing. It's probably because it's easier than keeping my journal but at the same time... I probably should feel the need to be more private. I don't know. And I don't really care. Anyways... I am absolutely excited for this summer! Mid-July I will be going camping with my family in the beautiful Yosemite Valley! I can't wait. I don't really like feeling dirty and such but Yosemite is probably the most gorgeous place I have ever seen. If you have not had the chance to go there I definitely recommend going there.
Half dome in Yosemite. Can't wait to see it again!
Every summer my family goes camping. Thinking back on it, it's probably one of the best times of the entire year. In my family there is way too many of us so it gets kind of crazy and we don't get along so well all the time but it's still nice to get together every year and do this.
I know I keep talking about how excited I am to go home so this is another one of those rants. I know it's going to be crazy and there will be stupid fights but I really have appreciated more what I am missing out on. All my life I have lived in the same place and now that I am away for so long, it really makes me miss all that I had growing up. It's crazy how quickly my life has come to where it is now. What makes me really kind of scared is going home and having so many of my childhood friends gone on missions. Its so crazy. I don't think its going to hit me all that has changed until I go home.
I am still trying to find a way home after the semester. Well kind of... Technically I have a ride now but they aren't leaving until the Sunday after school is done. I don't really want to wait that much longer but if that is the only option I have, I will be fine with that.
Another thing I need to figure out is what to do with all the stuff I am not taking back home. I might leave it at my cousin's or sister's or something. Eh, it will all work out. Right?
Anyhow, I have work and stuff that I should start so ya. I got really behind last week and if I want to get paid a decent amount next paycheck I should probably get to it.

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