
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dancing Queen

This weekend there was a winter semi-formal dance for the people living in Heritage Halls and Wyview. Lets just say that I can get down. I'm a fantastic dancer... not really but I can have fun! I didn't have a date so I just went with a group of girls solo. It was still so fun! They had games, food, and pretty good music. They had cheesecake! And they played the Wobble.... so pretty much that right there made it one of the greatest dances I've been to.
I also wore this really awesome dress that my mom made for me. It's comfy and worked with the whole semi-formal thing. Pictures below.
It was a bummer that there was a time change this morning because we also had stake conference so I had to get up even earlier than normal. And after a crazy night last night... that wasn't so fun to get up early.
I don't really know what to write about now...
I was sick this week so I laid in bed most of the week. I hate it. I just got over shingles and now I have to get over a cold! What is wrong with my body? Anyways... I have a test tomorrow that I've barely studied for and barely gone to classes for because I've been sick most of the last three weeks. AWESOME. Hopefully I still do alright. I'm hoping for at least a B... I got an A- on the last one which is pretty good. We'll see. I also have an essay due that I was supposed to do already but my teacher is being lenient because she knows I've been sick... but I still should have turned it in already. Hopefully she's okay with me turning it in tomorrow night because that's probably going to happen. I also have not worked very many hours because I've been sick and tired. Hopefully I don't get fired because I haven't been returning work to the professor I work for lately. He should understand and I hope to get 15 hours or more in this week because I have a little bit more time. I just need to get down to business and get stuff done. I need to stop letting my sicknesses hold me back. I need to get through this semester and stop complaining. I want it to be over with because I just really want to go home but there is nothing I can do but to just endure. If I pray for comfort these next 6 and 1/2 weeks I know I can make it. I can do this!
Well enough with the ranting. I should study or sleep or something so I will peace out for now.
Me and Crystal at the dance

my beautiful dress made by my mother
excuse the mess in the background :)

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