
Saturday, April 27, 2013

I Am

I read a book today, or part of a book rather, and it is called Promptings by Kody Bateman. It's so good I really recommend it. I got to the chapter about "I am". It basically says that you are what you think you are. You can achieve anything you believe you can. Seriously, if you think about yourself this way your life will be amazing. It's so easy to be negative, especially about one's self, but honestly, if you just stop and think about how good you are, that is way better. I compiled a list of things that I am. Even if I am not necessarily these things right now at this very moment and even if these things don't happen for a while, this is the person I am and who I want to be. I am a positive person and this is all about me.
I am a patient person.
I am a wonderful mother and wife. (obviously hasn't happened yet but it will)
I am a wonderful sister.
I am good at serving other people.
I can sing really well and I always will.
I love people fiercely.
I am confident
I can do anything I put my mind to.
I am not a complainer.
I have an amazing job.
I care about everyone I meet.
It’s hard to say goodbye and that’s why sometimes I don’t, but I will from now on.
I am not afraid of the dark.
I am a happy person.
I can survive the present and the hardships it brings.
I am really good at taking tests.
I am really good at balancing my time.
I am fit and strong and my body looks awesome.
I am really smart and I can learn anything.
I am really good at writing.
I am really good at listening to what people have to say.
I care about people and what they have to say.
I am really good at talking to and motivating people
I am a very compassionate person.
I am very motivated to get things done.
Everything will always work out. If I do what I can and as much as I can, the rest is not up to me. God will always help me when I can no longer help myself. Things will always work out and they always have. 

Make a list of things that you are. You are who you want to be so include those as well. Think Happy Thoughts.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Finals... And Everything Else

So, instead of studying for finals I'm going to do everything possible to avoid them and distract myself. But really. I just don't care. And that is bad.
Basically, I've taken 1 of my 5 finals and today is the 3rd day of finals... I'm not off to a great start. I'll take them, don't worry, but all I can think of is everything except for school. I just want to hang out with everyone and anyone. I don't want to study and come to the realization that my freshman year of college is over in 2 days. Isn't that insane? Where has the year gone? It's kind of surreal. Hopefully I actually enjoy my time at home for the next few months because it will be gone before I know it. If I had a reason to stay, I probably would. As for now, my motivation for going home is basically to see my family and go to Disneyland... of course.. I'm definitely obsessed but I just haven't been in what feels like forever.
I am so blessed to grow up where I did. Seriously, everyone thinks that there is nothing to do in Murrieta
This is my studying face
This is my face when
I'm not studying and having fun

but if they came to Provo they would know that they are terribly wrong. Ya, there isn't much to do in Murrieta but at least it's about an hour drive to each of the awesome destinations in Southern California. Seriously what was I ever thinking? Murrieta is home. It will always be home and I love it. There is so much to do in Southern California and I am seriously so lucky to have been able to do so many fun things with my family and friends growing up. Like they say, you never knew what you had until it's gone. But really. It's the truth. Trust me. Even if you didn't grow up where I did, everyone's hometown is unique and a blessing.
I know BYU is where I'm supposed to be for the next few years so I just need to enjoy it and the enjoy being with all the people that I meet. It's a great place. It's not home but it's my home for now.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Virtual World

I'm not going to lie, I love my computer, my phone, my iPod... BUT why is it that I can get easily distracted with it all and not get much done at times? I think I may have found the answer. It's not going to make it any easier to try to resist being on my computer so much, but I hope it helps.
Satan was not allowed a body so he is doing everything in his power to tempt us to defile and misuse ours. How does this apply you might ask?
My question to you is... Why are you on Facebook everyday? Why do you check your Instagram at least 5 times a day? Why do you pin things on Pinterest every night? Why do you scroll through Yahoo!'s news at least once a day? Why do you watch all your favorite shows on Hulu and Netflix? Why?
Are you addicted to your computer or smartphone? I think I might be... I admit it.
The internet and all these devices could be a wonderful and useful tool but it can also be a very distracting and tempting tool. Have you noticed that hours go by and you are still in bed on your computer? Have you noticed that you go to bed late because you are stuck up late in the virtual world? I know I have.
Let's do something about it.
Because Satan does not have a body, I think he is tempting us to abuse ours by not doing anything with it. We are abusing our bodies by being on our computers for practically the whole day. It's even worse as a college student because I actually do need to be on my computer for long periods of time taking notes and doing assignments but at the same time, I get distracted and end up wasting hours surfing the web. How did this happen to me? I am ashamed of it. I think it might be because, I feel like everyone is so busy doing their own things that I might as well use my free time being on the internet instead of having actual human interaction. I am a depressed freshman college student with no life. It's sad that I calculate time to watch my shows everyday into my schedule.
don't waste your time with these!
Everyone is busy but that doesn't mean you should use your free time to be on your computer instead of taking a walk, going on a run, reading a book, sitting in the grass, doing anything but being inside all day.... Why oh why didn't I think about all of this sooner? No wonder I haven't been as happy this semester! It's literally almost over and I'm just now realizing the answer to my problem. I need to get off the internet. Why am I here instead of doing something better?
Honestly, it doesn't help that I work from my computer... maybe I need another job? I don't really want another one at least not right now because this one pays better than all the other one's I have seen....
But seriously people, get off. Start by taking at least an hour of your day and instead of going on your computer to do mindless stuff, go on a walk. Just go outside. Turn everything off. Read a book. Better yet, read your scriptures. (Study for finals!) Do anything but go on your computer or TV for that hour of free time. Easier said than done right? I'm going to do it... You can too!
Now that I realized this, I hope this never happens to me again... I don't want to be a hypocrite...
What is so important on Facebook or whatever that you can't call someone and talk to them about it? You don't need to chat online when you can talk in person or at least on the phone. Stop it. You don't need the internet 24/7! I don't either!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

General Conference

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am; I know God's plan. I'll follow in his ways. - I don't remember what song that is from but it's true! I love the Church and I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so lucky to be apart of the true church. You may think, "How could the church  she goes to be the one and only true one?" I know it is true because it is designed by Jesus Christ. It is a true reflection of his church when he lived on the earth. We have 12 apostles and prophet leaders that preside over this church. That is just like when Jesus had 12 apostles. What other church has this structure? None that I know of. That is just the start of all the truths that have come about from this church. Seriously, if you are looking for answers, this is the place to start: and These clearly explain pretty much anything you would want to know about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I am Mormon (aka a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) You can see why most LDS members calls themselves Mormon. I think it is because first of all the name of the Church is really long and probably most likely because "Mormon" is the most common identifier of the church.
This weekend we have General Conference. That is basically a series of meeting broadcast on internet, TV, radio etc. Real prophets and apostles and other church leaders speak to us. The Prophet Thomas S.
Monson may even receive divine revelation that he needs to relay to the members. Revelation is when the Lord gives messages through man. In this case, the prophet will tell the members what we need to know. What we need to know is what God tells him to tell us. Like last conference, the missionary age had been lowered. That was a revelation from God. The prophet and apostles don't do anything unless the Lord asks them to. They are his servants and we as members have a duty to heed to their words. They are literally God's messengers.
This is President Thomas S. Monson. I love this man. 
Other speakers receive personal revelation on what they should say. Every conference the speakers are asked to give a message, I think it is usually like 10 minutes for most of them. They aren't given a topic. They just pray for inspiration on what to say. It is amazing because each conference, there are specific messages given that what the members and others listening need to hear. It is amazing how God works through his messengers. I love the Lord. I hope everyone can learn of this amazing gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel will give light and happiness unto anyone who discovers it. I wish that I could be more of an example and teacher. I hope that one day, I will be instrumental in someone's conversion. This gospel is definitely worth it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Missions and Random STUFF

Today two of my friends from home went into the MTC! It's pretty crazy right. 2 years is  a long time so I hope I actually write them often and what not. Anyhow, I didn't get to say goodbye because I'm at school and it's lame. Just kidding. But really, I feel sad I couldn't make it to their farewells and such. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now.
For the next two years they will be on missions and I will be... doing I don't know. Probably school. Dating? Hopefully at least that. It's weird to think of the future. I'm going to Disneyland I am obsessed. I know. But for reals... is that all I do with my life for two years? Not that I necessarily want to get married or anything within that time but I feel like there is something bigger I could be doing. Maybe. I don't know. Seriously... this post kind of sucks. I really don't have much to say.
just so focused on finishing the semester so I can go home and relax for a while before I come back... and go to
I bought Golden Grahams today! I haven't had them in forever. I feel like a little kid again. They are the best cereal ever. I had to bowls today.... well actually cups because my bowls are dirty.
That is something I am not looking forward to though when I go home... the mess of more than just myself. We're not super messy at home but no one really cleans up after themselves so when you do clean its cleaning for like 6 people. Dishes... nope Suzie can continue to do them. I refuse. JK...but really I don't really want to.
Oh I had fun with my nephews this last weekend :)
There are about 25 days until I am on my way home. YEAH. I'm not so much excited to be home for 4 months but to not have to do school work for 4 months... I would stay over summer but I'd much rather be in California where it is actually fun.
I can't wait to be in different apartments next year. I will have 5 roommates instead of 1 so that will be different. But I look forward to hopefully getting asked on some dates by older guys. Apparently the guy to girl population next year will consist of more guys so that is something to look forward to. I think it's because girls 21 and down that were planning on going on missions are and the guys are still basically going at 19 so it hasn't changed for them. It's pretty awesome for me.
It's not so bad now but when everyone (seriously) was getting their calls, there was this pressure to go on a mission. I already knew that a mission was not for me right now so why was I feeling this pressure? I'm not a bad person for deciding that a mission was not for me. I even prayed about it and I felt that I am not supposed to go right now. Seriously people, if a girl doesn't go on a mission (since it seems like every girl is) it doesn't mean she is any less righteous than the girl who is. Stop pressuring us. I feel like there might be some women who have based their decisions on the fact that since everyone is going I should too... that is not how it should be. We shouldn't feel pressured to go if it is not right for us. I am extremely happy for those women who are going but that shouldn't mean I am looked down upon for not going too.
I am not saying this is how everyone feels or how everyone is reacting to hearing that I'm not going but still... I shouldn't feel any pressure in this sacred decision.
Anyways... that was a bit of a rant. Who am I even writing to? NO ONE reads this anyways... I actually just don't have time to hand write all that is on my mind everyday so it's way easier to blog about it. I don't care that people (might) read what is basically my journal... If I do have something I don't want everyone to know (like boy stuff or whatever) then I'll write it somewhere more private I guess.