
Friday, October 5, 2012

College Life: Long overdue update

College life has its ups and downs...
Meeting new people.  I love everyone I have met here at BYU. They are literally the nicest coolest people in the entire planet... well at least the ones I hang out with. I had one group of friends at the beginning of the year... but since they live kinda too far to walk to everyday, I've stopped hanging out with them.  It's sad. I miss them, but now that school has really kicked into high gear it's been hard making an effort to see them. But I have finally made pretty great friends in my ward. We even have a little study group for my American Heritage class. They are like the sweetest people ever. We have the best time together. 
Living within walking distance. I love that I can just go home whenever I feel like it.  I can take a nap, get a snack, study, or just be lazy.  I usually am just lazy.  I should stay in the library and study, but usually I just get distracted. Most of the time, I purposely leave something at home so that I have an excuse to come back and get it... You may think I'm weird, like why would I waste my time walking home. My answer: I just like the exercise.  It makes me feel less fat, knowing that I walked a ton that day... yes I'm a freak. Who cares.
Having short classes. I love that in college, my classes (usually) aren't a waste of my time.  They are short. You just get the lecture and then you learn the material on your own. OK well that part sucks but, I just love that I don't have to listen to something boring for forever.
Taking Book of Mormon. I love my Book of Mormon class. That is one of my favorite things about BYU.  You are required to take religion classes in order to graduate.  I love it.  My professor, Jeff Marsh, is the best teacher I have ever had EVER. He is so smart, and he makes that Book of Mormon sooo much more interesting. He has the best stories, and he hates Lady Gaga and Katy Perry... its hilarious.  I really just love that class, I don't even know anyone, but I look forward to that class every Monday and Wednesday. 
Living on my own... plus with Lauren. I love only being responsible for just myself for once.  I know it won't last long, but I'm enjoying the freedom while it lasts. I've realized I'm a fairly clean person when I'm on my own.... I had no idea before. I'm so glad I only have one roommate here, because the bathroom situation would just suck.  I don't know how I could handle 6 girls to one bathroom... it would just be bad.

Laundry: Laundry is not my most favorite thing to do.  I was so used to having my dad do it all the time.  I had no idea.  I hate having to pay for it.  Like it just really makes me not want to do it. 
Cooking and groceries:  Food is expensive here! Not that I bought groceries at home, but I'm pretty sure a box of cereal isn't supposed to be $4! But the only grocery store within walking distance is the Creamery. Sometimes they have good deals, but like, It's really hard to eat or make something healthy when all the produce is super expensive!  I love cooking, but it gets pretty tedious doing it all the time,  thank goodness for my meal plan, I can splurge every once in a while (everyday).  But it is adding up. I'm having to be more strict with my budget. I don't want to run out of money...
The air conditioner/heater:  It is literally bipolar in my apartment... the vents blow out cold air when it is cold and hot air when it is hot! I really hope its not like this when it gets freezing! Its the beginning of October and I am finally realizing what real Fall weather is like.  I think I'm liking it... but we'll see when it starts snowing. Being from California, I never really experienced a real winter... so this should be interesting. 
Not having a car: OK so I just got my license in July, and now I'm up in Utah with no car. I have barely driven. Its so sad. I just wish I had one so I could visit people, or go to Walmart, or a real grocery store, or the Mall. OK maybe not having a car is a blessing, since then I'm not spending as much... but I've done some online shopping.... it was necessary... I needed boots. Oh well.
Homesickness: This is the worst of all.  I miss my family... sometimes. But really, it was kinda nice not being so responsible all the time. And I miss how during the summer, I just chilled at home with my mom and sisters... it was the best.  Yes we fought, but it was still nice being around them... I'm sure I'll think otherwise once I go home to visit during the holidays, but still, I miss it.

OK that was a long list... but I haven't written anything for awhile. This was a long overdue update.
So, besides my list of ups and downs... here is what has been going on since I've been up here:
I've had 5 tests, two choir concerts, and a bunch of essays and quizzes. 
The tests suck... but I did fairly well on all of them, so I'm proud. The only downside is that its times for more tests! It's like I never get a break... unless, like now, I'm being lazy on my computer and don't feel like studying. But it is nice that I can take my test on my own schedule, otherwise I'd have like 3 midterms in one day... not fun.
The essays are hard... I've never been much of a writer, so I'm kinda struggling. Hopefully I get better, but writing is not my strong side. I'd take a homework assignment over writing any day.
The quizzes are pretty nice. They are all open book, and I can do them on my computer whenever I want... as long as I submit them on time.  
I'm in Women's Chorus. Its a love/hate relationship.  I love singing, but some days (most days) I am exhausted by the time choir comes around.  I even take a nap right before choir, but I am still tired.  Its just at the worst time for me.  Or maybe I just don't like standing up for long periods of time... I don't know. I just am always tired when I go to choir.
I am switching my major... I think. I'm thinking I want to be a Special Education teacher instead being a Nurse. It just seems right... I just need to figure out how switching my major works... I need to talk to an adviser or something.
Oh ya and last month, I saw Paul Ryan give a speech thing at the Utah Valley Convention Center.  It was sweet. I hope he is the future VP... cause then I can say I was ten feet away from the Vice President.
Cool beans
Anyways... if anyone actually reads this I apologize for the length.
I love you all... college is the best :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Packing for college!

I'm packing for college! It's so crazy to think that in less than a week I'll be up in Utah and I won't come back until break.
I've realized 2 things while packing for college...
1. There is way too many things that I need to pack.
2. I hope I'm not the only one who is bringing this much.
This summer has gone by way too quickly... I have hardly hung out with my friends.
I've pretty much been doing nothing this whole summer. I just watch TV or go on the internet!
So boring! I swear if I ever do this during summer again I'm a loser. I love relaxing but I'm not going to see like half my friends for a very long time and I should have taken advantage of that time.
Well I hope I learn to be more social...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I got a new computer

So I got a new laptop! It is sooo pretty. Its a 15.5" HP laptop and it came with microsoft office.  Which is awesome so I don't have to buy any software.  I'm so excited to use it all the time now. No more waiting for my turn on the computer and now I have the freedom to be on the computer for as long as I want.  
Its cool cause it has a fingerprint scanner so I can sign in with my fingerprint on multiple websites etc.  Its a beautiful thing to have my own computer.  I can use it for all my school work and whatnot.  I just love it! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I drove for the first time today

I drove for the first time today... kinda nerve racking.
I've had my permit for 2 weeks and this is the first time I've driven.  It's so sad I'm officially an adult and I just now started driving. 
My dad gave me my first lesson.  We went to my high school's parking lot and since it was empty I just drove around for like 30 minutes.  I pretended the different parking slots were stop signs, practiced turning, practiced stopping, practiced using my blinker.... Ugh its kinda crazy how much there is to know about driving.  I cant believe it. I just barely did anything.... I can't even imagine driving on the actual streets soon. I mean like how am I supposed to look all around me and still drive forward lol. Plus the stupid brake and gas pedals are way more sensitive than I thought they would be.  
I guess its not that bad and I was only driving for a few minutes and at a max of 15 mph, but once I get the hang of it (hopefully sooner rather than later) than it will be easy as pie!

Monday, June 18, 2012

So I decided to create a blog

So I decided to create a blog because a couple of my friends have one and it seems like a good way to share my thoughts. It'll pretty much be like my public journal.
Any ways, I spent time at my cousins' last week.  My little sisters went to our church's girls' camp, my dad was gone half the week and my mom and brother are in DC.  I didn't want to spend last week alone so that is why I decided to go to my cousins.
On Sunday when I got there we just hung out and stuff.  That night I had to register for classes at BYU!
The problem with that was, their computer wasn't working when it was time for me to register... good thing my other cousins live on the same street... so I was saved cause I used their computer instead.  I'm now a registered student at BYU.  I'm so excited!
The rest of the week I pretty much just hung out, went to the beach and went to a dodgers game!
It was fun and eventful.