
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Missions and Random STUFF

Today two of my friends from home went into the MTC! It's pretty crazy right. 2 years is  a long time so I hope I actually write them often and what not. Anyhow, I didn't get to say goodbye because I'm at school and it's lame. Just kidding. But really, I feel sad I couldn't make it to their farewells and such. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now.
For the next two years they will be on missions and I will be... doing I don't know. Probably school. Dating? Hopefully at least that. It's weird to think of the future. I'm going to Disneyland I am obsessed. I know. But for reals... is that all I do with my life for two years? Not that I necessarily want to get married or anything within that time but I feel like there is something bigger I could be doing. Maybe. I don't know. Seriously... this post kind of sucks. I really don't have much to say.
just so focused on finishing the semester so I can go home and relax for a while before I come back... and go to
I bought Golden Grahams today! I haven't had them in forever. I feel like a little kid again. They are the best cereal ever. I had to bowls today.... well actually cups because my bowls are dirty.
That is something I am not looking forward to though when I go home... the mess of more than just myself. We're not super messy at home but no one really cleans up after themselves so when you do clean its cleaning for like 6 people. Dishes... nope Suzie can continue to do them. I refuse. JK...but really I don't really want to.
Oh I had fun with my nephews this last weekend :)
There are about 25 days until I am on my way home. YEAH. I'm not so much excited to be home for 4 months but to not have to do school work for 4 months... I would stay over summer but I'd much rather be in California where it is actually fun.
I can't wait to be in different apartments next year. I will have 5 roommates instead of 1 so that will be different. But I look forward to hopefully getting asked on some dates by older guys. Apparently the guy to girl population next year will consist of more guys so that is something to look forward to. I think it's because girls 21 and down that were planning on going on missions are and the guys are still basically going at 19 so it hasn't changed for them. It's pretty awesome for me.
It's not so bad now but when everyone (seriously) was getting their calls, there was this pressure to go on a mission. I already knew that a mission was not for me right now so why was I feeling this pressure? I'm not a bad person for deciding that a mission was not for me. I even prayed about it and I felt that I am not supposed to go right now. Seriously people, if a girl doesn't go on a mission (since it seems like every girl is) it doesn't mean she is any less righteous than the girl who is. Stop pressuring us. I feel like there might be some women who have based their decisions on the fact that since everyone is going I should too... that is not how it should be. We shouldn't feel pressured to go if it is not right for us. I am extremely happy for those women who are going but that shouldn't mean I am looked down upon for not going too.
I am not saying this is how everyone feels or how everyone is reacting to hearing that I'm not going but still... I shouldn't feel any pressure in this sacred decision.
Anyways... that was a bit of a rant. Who am I even writing to? NO ONE reads this anyways... I actually just don't have time to hand write all that is on my mind everyday so it's way easier to blog about it. I don't care that people (might) read what is basically my journal... If I do have something I don't want everyone to know (like boy stuff or whatever) then I'll write it somewhere more private I guess.

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