
Saturday, April 6, 2013

General Conference

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am; I know God's plan. I'll follow in his ways. - I don't remember what song that is from but it's true! I love the Church and I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so lucky to be apart of the true church. You may think, "How could the church  she goes to be the one and only true one?" I know it is true because it is designed by Jesus Christ. It is a true reflection of his church when he lived on the earth. We have 12 apostles and prophet leaders that preside over this church. That is just like when Jesus had 12 apostles. What other church has this structure? None that I know of. That is just the start of all the truths that have come about from this church. Seriously, if you are looking for answers, this is the place to start: and These clearly explain pretty much anything you would want to know about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I am Mormon (aka a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) You can see why most LDS members calls themselves Mormon. I think it is because first of all the name of the Church is really long and probably most likely because "Mormon" is the most common identifier of the church.
This weekend we have General Conference. That is basically a series of meeting broadcast on internet, TV, radio etc. Real prophets and apostles and other church leaders speak to us. The Prophet Thomas S.
Monson may even receive divine revelation that he needs to relay to the members. Revelation is when the Lord gives messages through man. In this case, the prophet will tell the members what we need to know. What we need to know is what God tells him to tell us. Like last conference, the missionary age had been lowered. That was a revelation from God. The prophet and apostles don't do anything unless the Lord asks them to. They are his servants and we as members have a duty to heed to their words. They are literally God's messengers.
This is President Thomas S. Monson. I love this man. 
Other speakers receive personal revelation on what they should say. Every conference the speakers are asked to give a message, I think it is usually like 10 minutes for most of them. They aren't given a topic. They just pray for inspiration on what to say. It is amazing because each conference, there are specific messages given that what the members and others listening need to hear. It is amazing how God works through his messengers. I love the Lord. I hope everyone can learn of this amazing gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel will give light and happiness unto anyone who discovers it. I wish that I could be more of an example and teacher. I hope that one day, I will be instrumental in someone's conversion. This gospel is definitely worth it.

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