
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Virtual World

I'm not going to lie, I love my computer, my phone, my iPod... BUT why is it that I can get easily distracted with it all and not get much done at times? I think I may have found the answer. It's not going to make it any easier to try to resist being on my computer so much, but I hope it helps.
Satan was not allowed a body so he is doing everything in his power to tempt us to defile and misuse ours. How does this apply you might ask?
My question to you is... Why are you on Facebook everyday? Why do you check your Instagram at least 5 times a day? Why do you pin things on Pinterest every night? Why do you scroll through Yahoo!'s news at least once a day? Why do you watch all your favorite shows on Hulu and Netflix? Why?
Are you addicted to your computer or smartphone? I think I might be... I admit it.
The internet and all these devices could be a wonderful and useful tool but it can also be a very distracting and tempting tool. Have you noticed that hours go by and you are still in bed on your computer? Have you noticed that you go to bed late because you are stuck up late in the virtual world? I know I have.
Let's do something about it.
Because Satan does not have a body, I think he is tempting us to abuse ours by not doing anything with it. We are abusing our bodies by being on our computers for practically the whole day. It's even worse as a college student because I actually do need to be on my computer for long periods of time taking notes and doing assignments but at the same time, I get distracted and end up wasting hours surfing the web. How did this happen to me? I am ashamed of it. I think it might be because, I feel like everyone is so busy doing their own things that I might as well use my free time being on the internet instead of having actual human interaction. I am a depressed freshman college student with no life. It's sad that I calculate time to watch my shows everyday into my schedule.
don't waste your time with these!
Everyone is busy but that doesn't mean you should use your free time to be on your computer instead of taking a walk, going on a run, reading a book, sitting in the grass, doing anything but being inside all day.... Why oh why didn't I think about all of this sooner? No wonder I haven't been as happy this semester! It's literally almost over and I'm just now realizing the answer to my problem. I need to get off the internet. Why am I here instead of doing something better?
Honestly, it doesn't help that I work from my computer... maybe I need another job? I don't really want another one at least not right now because this one pays better than all the other one's I have seen....
But seriously people, get off. Start by taking at least an hour of your day and instead of going on your computer to do mindless stuff, go on a walk. Just go outside. Turn everything off. Read a book. Better yet, read your scriptures. (Study for finals!) Do anything but go on your computer or TV for that hour of free time. Easier said than done right? I'm going to do it... You can too!
Now that I realized this, I hope this never happens to me again... I don't want to be a hypocrite...
What is so important on Facebook or whatever that you can't call someone and talk to them about it? You don't need to chat online when you can talk in person or at least on the phone. Stop it. You don't need the internet 24/7! I don't either!

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